Don’t Let Yourself Be The Victim To Memories

When you break up with someone and then get back together again, you must realize that you both are not the same people that you were before. You must realize that no matter how much time has gone by, no matter how many words have been exchanged, you both have changed. You must realize that what was once an intertwined identity is now separated. That you both are now your own, and the way that you adapt to this change lies the foundation for your future expectations.

You will soon realize that your definition of love has changed. You will realize that the way you initially trust someone will change. You will realize that the way you view that person will change. You can fight it. You can sit there and tell yourself that everything will be exactly the way it was before. That you have enough love to conquer every doubt that person has formed. But I promise you that walls have been built and dams have been created. You have protected yourself from ever getting hurt like that again, and until you accept that, until you realize that you are not the same person, all the problems that have happened in the past will multiply. They will magnify until all you want to do is leave again.

If it is your truest desire to make things work, then you must understand that communication is key here. You must understand that you both need to sit and converse about the feelings that were crushed, about the trust that was broken, about the lies that were told, and the secrets that were kept. You must understand that it is key to respect any words that fall out of each other’s mouths. You must respect all their decisions.

But promise me, before you go and long for a fire that has been extinguished, consider the fact that the lost love you are dreaming about, ended for a reason. Remind yourself that shifts in your life happen for a reason. And if you are still so keen on giving your heart to the person that broke it once before, promise yourself to never fall victim to memories.

About the author

Kayla McCullough

Writer. Allow words to strengthen and heal your soul.