Before You Give Up, Remember This

Before you tell yourself that you are finished, that you give up, that your heart has been exhausted with every continued beat, I need you to remind yourself that it gets better. I need you to remind yourself that your heart is a muscle. Remind yourself that your muscles grow with use and that your heart will grow with every beat.

Before you close your eyes and succumb to the pain, before you let your world topple and bricks cover your beautiful clouds, I need you to tell yourself that you are worthy and loved. I need you to tell yourself that the pain you are suffering right now does not compare to the pain your family will endure.

Before you let your last tear trace your cheek and slip to the ground, before you kiss your last breath of air, I need you to tell yourself that you are strong, that you are beautiful, and that you belong. I need you to tell yourself that the strength your soul possesses will never be weakened by viscous lies.

Before you let the crippling fear that your life is on the verge of collapsing crawl up your spine, before you let the unnourished guilt fill in your chest, I need you to tell yourself that you will get through this. You and I will get through this, and you will come out stronger than ever.

Before you whisper your last words, before submitting to the voice that’s convincing you that the world is better off, I need you to remind yourself to never compromise. I need you to remind yourself that your deepest struggle will produce your greatest strength. That this struggle will never cripple the plans God has in store for you.

Before anything else, I need you to remind yourself that you are loved.

Just remember you are loved.

About the author

Kayla McCullough

Writer. Allow words to strengthen and heal your soul.