I Won’t Wait For You, But I’ll Wait With You

I love you, but I love myself more. That’s why I’m not going to wait for you to get your shit together. I’m not going to put my life on hold while you figure yourself out and if you want to be around me or not. If it’s meant to be, then it will be, but I’m not going to push aside anything in my life that might be good for me while I wait for you to come around. I’m not about to sit around and wait for you.

But I will sit around and wait with you. I will be here for you to talk to, and I promise to listen to you without judgment. I will be here to hold space for you. I will be here to give you a shoulder to cry on when you’re sad or overwhelmed, a hand to hold when you’re scared or lonely, and open arms to enfold you in when life gets to be too much. I will be here to offer you advice and love when you need it. I will be here for you always and forever as a friend because I refuse to give up on you.

And I will wait with you as long as it takes. I will wait with you because I want to see you flourish. I will wait with you because I want to see you transform into everything you are meant to be. I will wait with you because I want to experience you in your absolute fullest joy, and I want you to know that you are always safe to be your true self with me. I want you to feel empowered to fuel your life by your own love and passion, and I will help you feed your fire if you ask me to. I can be that rock that patiently waits as you lean against me to rest and regain your strength.

But I won’t do it for you. And I’m not going to wait for you to do it either. Time is going to keep moving whether you decide to move along with it or not. I will be here for you when you are ready, but I’m not going to wait for you to be ready. I will be here for all the steps of your journey if you want me to be, but I’m not going to stop my momentum and wait for you to catch up. Our journeys unfold at their own pace, and I won’t let anything in my life slip through my fingers as you take your time deciding what to do. Take all the time you need. I support that aspect of your growth, and I will wait right here next to you, holding out the watering can so you can nourish the seed you’ve planted within. I will help hold the watering can with you, hand in hand, so we can grow together, but I won’t wait for you to pick it up and water yourself.

My life is passing me by just as fast as yours, and I’ve made the choice to no longer dole out my precious time waiting for anyone. It may sound harsh, but it’s my truth, so please don’t take it personally. I respect and value you and your journey, and I’ll always be here to sit with you. Quietly and patiently I’ll give you safety, time, and space to step into the person you’ve been waiting to be.

About the author

Kate Cavenagh

When you control your energy, you control your destiny