7 Places To Wear Your Halloween Costume When You Haven't Been Invited To A Single Party 

7 Places To Wear Your Halloween Costume When You Haven’t Been Invited To A Single Party

Maybe you’re planning on skipping the costume this year because you haven’t been invited to any parties and feel like you don’t have any reason to dress up. Or maybe you just don’t want to spend the money on a costume that you’re going to be wearing once and then throwing into the closet and forgetting about by the time next Halloween comes around.

Either way, if you want to dress up, you should dress up! Here are a few places you can wear your costume to get some extra use out of it, even if you aren’t invited to any parties:

1. Wear it to take Instagram pictures. You don’t have to step out of your house in your costume. You can put it on at home and pose in front of your cell phone camera. You won’t feel like your costume was wasted even if you don’t go out wearing it, because as soon as you post it on Instagram, everyone you’ve ever met will see it.

2. Wear it to answer the front door. Do you remember how exciting it was when you were younger and adults answered the door in their costume? It was much more fun than having someone answer the door in a ratty old t-shirt, clearly annoyed about how many times the doorbell has been ringing. If you get into the festive spirit, everyone who comes to your house for candy will appreciate it.

3. Wear it to a Halloween pub crawl. If your town holds pub crawls, this is the perfect season to join! You’ll get to hop from bar to bar wearing your costume, which means dozens of different people will see what you’re wearing. You’ll get to show yourself off all over town.

4. Wear it on a date. Convince your person to dress up with you and then share a spooky evening together watching horror movies on your couch. Or, if you would rather get out of the house, there are plenty of bars that hold costume contests around this time of year. And there are some haunted houses that allow guests to dress up in costumes as well. Do your research and you’re sure to find something exciting.

5. Wear it to a parade. Just because you aren’t involved in the parade doesn’t mean you can’t take part in the fun. Dress up, get drunk, and have a good time watching from the sidelines.

6. Wear it to work (or your college classes). Make sure you check what the company policy is ahead of time — but if they allow you to wear costumes on Halloween, take advantage of the opportunity. It will make the work day go by faster. It will bring a little bit of lightheartedness into the office, even if you’re the only one dressed up.

7. Wear it in the bedroom. Even if your costume isn’t the sexy type, you can still have some fun roleplaying with your person. Why not? It’s the perfect way to spice things up around this time of year. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.