Maybe Closure Is Just Letting Go

Closure comes in the form of making peace with yourself and with the hurt from past, waiting for time and new experiences to heal the open wounds. Their name somehow makes its way into your thoughts, filling your mind with waves of anger and regret, and a pain that never seems to cease. Then one day, their name doesn’t make you upset anymore; it’s just another name with past meaning and memories attached to it.

Making closure a reality means letting go. It’s releasing all the negative emotions from your grip and channelling those emotions into self-improvement. You let time fade the reel of memories into a few pictures, whatever you can best remember those times by.

You don’t need to feel hatred to close a chapter. Instead, find yourself on the road to forgiveness — that’s the best way you can heal yourself.

Say the words that need to be said, feel the feelings that beg to be felt, and separate the past from the present. Closure means reclaiming yourself. It’s refusing to let a situation or a person define your existence and your identity. It’s saying “no” to torturing yourself with the possibilities of scenarios that can never happen or wondering what the other person is thinking. You can’t think for someone, you can’t rationalize every single one of their actions or words, and that’s because you’re not them. 

Let your peace be your closure. Let your clarity of mind be your closure. You don’t need to have it all figured out, and achieving closure doesn’t mean you need to have completely moved on.

Gaining closure means acknowledging your inner strength. Your strength will carry you through this turbulent path. It means that you will have days where you’re completely lost, but when the sun rises again, you’ll be alright. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Yip

Living, reflecting, and learning to be my best self.