I Hope You Know How Brave You Are

I hope you know how great your impact is, although some days it may seem small. I hope you know that you are continually sharing light, love, and bravery even when your arms seem weak. I hope you know that you are so brave. I hope you know that it is brave that you get up in the mornings, and it’s brave that you love the way you do. I hope you know that it is brave that you take people in, and you give them a home.

I hope you know that it is brave the way that you show grace to everyone. I hope you know that it is brave the way you catch others when they’re falling, or lower yourself down to be with them.

I hope you know that you have a world of possibilities ahead of you, and the world is yours. It may seem like you need more right now, but you are brave, and for now, that is enough.

I hope you know how incredible others see you. I hope you see how brave you are. I hope you know that you have been the softest listening ear and the kindest soul. I hope you know that you have been someone’s favorite song and the story that they want to hear at the end of the day. I hope you know that you have climbed so many silent battles, that many people don’t know about, and that makes you brave. I hope you know that your anxious heart, and hands can take you places that you never even dreamed of, and that they can catch you on your hard days.

I hope you step with both feet forward into the unknown, knowing that there are endless possibilities for you there. I hope you keep climbing mountains, even when you want to turn around because the journey is good. I hope you don’t wait for the view at the end of things, but that you stop, and look at where you are right now. You are brave, beyond comparison. You are so brave, and for now, that is enough.

I hope you know that you have been what people have needed at every corner of their life. I hope you know that others look to you with admiration and grace. I hope you know that you have continually been so brave. I hope you know that you have been adventurous, and spontaneous.

I hope you know that you have been so brave.

I hope you know how far you’ve come. I hope when you look in the mirror you see someone who is proud of who she is, and embraces the future with limitless possibility.

I hope you open your arms wide open to the future. I hope you never turn down the opportunity to be more you. To listen to the music that you love. To dance the steps only you know. I hope you know that you have climbed mountains, through tunnels, and have continued to be brave. I hope you know that you have shared the grace that has reached other veins and given them strength for a new day. I hope you know that exactly who you are right now, is who you should be.

I hope you won’t worry about what is going to happen tomorrow, because even if you’re ready to face it or not, you are brave, and that is what matters.

About the author

Isabella Housel

A girl obsessed with words trying to navigate through the world.