A Message To The Workaholics: Don’t Forget To Take A Break
Working hard is a noble thing, a beautiful thing. But your body, mind, and soul need a break too.
Working hard is alright, especially when you work hard for a goal, a dream, or a purpose. There is a different satisfaction in passing out on the couch after a productive day of client meetings and business luncheons. There is a certain euphoria and excitement in spending late nights working on a presentation. Working hard is rewarding.
Honey, it’s alright to work hard, but please, don’t forget to take a break too.
Have that well deserved bubble bath or hot shower after your 8-10 hour job. Open that bottle of wine. Drink your stresses down. Client escalations? Take a sip. Taxes? Another sip. Responsibilities? Another sip, please.
You have every right to curl up in bed and watch Netflix the whole weekend instead of going out to another brunch. Don’t feel guilty taking a break from your social life from time to time. You have every right to do so. And you don’t owe anyone an explanation.
By all means, go by a ticket to that beautiful island in Africa. Fly solo. Rent your own bungalow. Go sunbathing. Swim. Get a massage. Most importantly, sleep. Rest. Enjoy the peace. The sound of the waves. The serenity.
Get a new book. Read. Be indulged. Be transported into a different world. Do what you must to take your mind off of things. God knows you deserve it.
Switch off your television. Deactivate your social media accounts. Turn off your phone if you must. Take a walk in the park. Please remember that you can take care of others better once you learn to take care of yourself first.
Eat your comfort food. Call your family. Have a chat with your best friends. Remind yourself of the reason why you’re working hard in the first place.
Working hard is a noble thing, a beautiful thing. But your body, mind, and soul need a break too. Even the sun takes a break at night and shines more brightly the next morning. Honey, you too would be able to function better once you have rested and recharged. You too would be able to shine brighter and be able to share your light better with everyone. So here’s a message from one workaholic to another: Don’t forget to take a break.