A Spotify Playlist For When You Can't Stop Thinking About Them Naked

A Spotify Playlist For When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Them Naked

“You make me lose my buttons, oh yeah, you make me spit, I don’t like my clothes anymore” Interpol – The Specialist 

Music and Sex. For centuries the two have been linked. Studies have shown that music stimulates the same part of your brain as sex does, both releasing the feel-good hormone dopamine. Even the anticipation of a good song within the opening chords can induce the feelings of pleasure: cue the intro to the James Blake sultry Retrograde.

In 2016 the Music Makes It Home study was conducted by Sonos in which 30,000 people across eight countries were asked about music in their home life. One of the findings was that “Musical homes have more romance. People who say they listen to music out loud together the most have 67% more sex, and almost a quarter of people would give up sex before music”.

Music is also highly linked to memory and nostalgia, visually and emotionally. This is why music is commonly used in learning and selling, think of the alphabet song or any advertisement jingle you have tattooed on your brain and you can visualize it. The effects of music on the memory are so powerful that you can feel vividly transported to a moment in the past. You may be casually going about your day when suddenly a note drops in a melody that makes you feel as though your clothes have fallen to the floor, reminding you of a heated night that left you naked.

This Spotify playlist NAKED will transport you to some seriously sexy times, and will hopefully play a role in creating more in the future. I recommend it to be shuffled, as much like my sex life, it has no structure. Some songs scream sex “I want to fuck you like an animal” Nine Inch Nails – Closer. Some songs speak sex “Smoke trails from your fingertips and I can hardly breathe. Cocaine slow pain. Let me drift, So I don’t have to think. Still, I would fuck you all night in my dreams” – Yuma X – Smoke Trails. And some songs just are sex, Air – La femme d’argent.

Sex doesn’t always have to be about another person. There are some songs that are perfect for a night in of sensual self-discovery. The cover of Sex and Candy followed up with some Portishead words “I just want to be a woman” make for a glorious evening. And while in that mood, this clip Sonder by Atlas Franklin pushes boundaries and gets me every time.

The playlist has sixty-nine songs, five hours and fourteen minutes of knee-weakening. I recently saw a Venn diagram of Frank Ocean songs that you either fuck to or cry to, an old lover of mine and I did both to most of them. So I added a bunch to the playlist for your sexual choosing. FKA Twigs Two weeks for me is a perilous song if you are in the same room as someone you shouldn’t be sleeping with “My thighs are apart for when you’re ready to breathe in”. This cover by Australian band #1 Dads is also very very dangerous Two Weeks.

Music and sex is a wonderful combination, two of my favorite things. So please do enjoy the music and “Throw your clothes on the floor, I’m gonna take my clothes off too”. And If this playlist doesn’t get you off, please don’t take a cold shower, it may just kill you.

About the author

Danni Jackson

Unfinished // Words // Thoughts