44 Tips That Socially Awkward 20-Somethings Should Use To Make More Friends

Don't explain the plots of books, movies or dreams in anything longer than three sentences.


If you’re socially awkward, here are a few tips on how to feel more comfortable in conversations from Ask Reddit. 

44 Tips That Socially Awkward 20-Somethings Should Use To Make More Friends

1. Many people find complaining and pointing out negative things as the easiest methods of conversation, but it’s not a great way to make a good impression or connect with people. You’ll just be seen as a walking buzzkill.

2. Don’t explain the plots of books, movies or dreams in anything longer than three sentences.

3. Don’t highlight your flaws. If you make a mistake, say something awkward or just have a bad zit, don’t draw everyone’s attention to it. They probably didn’t notice.

4. Not reading when people are ready to go. If they are inching away, heading towards the exit, they are just trying to be polite and stay engaged in the conversation, but want/need to head out.