There Is More To Love Than Meets The Eye

Ever since a young age, I have always been in love with the idea of love. It is the only thing and feeling in the entire universe that entails pieces of fragility, tragedy, euphoria, melancholy and even more. When I was younger, I thought that “love” was only limited to a girl and a boy holding hands and kissing under the rain or writing poetry in the name of each other because they were so burned by passion and desire that they got powdered to ashes by it.

But as I’ve grown older, I have seen love being born in many different forms and instances and moments in life and it isn’t very often that people notice them. Which is why it is always important to remember that love is much more than meets the eye, and it is much more than the incomplete ideas that we get from romantic films.

Love is the warmth of the sun plunging deep into your skin on a cold winter’s day. Love is that first sip of coffee you take on a mundane or exciting Tuesday morning. Love is the caressing of the pages of a new book when you have just bought it. Love is coming home and lying down on bed after a full day of hard work. Love is that spark of joy on your face when you see a loved one after weeks or even months. Love is being invited to a party or a gathering, because it was just the simple yet most thoughtful act of remembering your presence. Love is the blooming of flowers in spring and the melody of the birds singing on an early morning when you are on a walk by yourself. Love is laying down in bed on a sluggish Sunday afternoon and just doing nothing.

Love is also kisses on the forehead and tickles under your feet. Love is praying for nature and for more peace in the world. Love is giving your loyalty to someone and confiding in someone that you trust with your life. Love is feeling completely incapacitated after eating the most delicious meal ever. Love is traveling to a foreign land and connecting with people that don’t speak the same language as you. Love is bowing down to your elders to show respect. Love is standing up for someone and giving them the support and courage to stand up for themselves.

Love is more than just happiness. It is the triumph of light over darkness. Love is something that is saving you, and you are saving others. Love is the embodiment of angels in a world full of evil. Just keep loving until your very final breath. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Reetica Pattanayak

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