If You’re Looking For Love To Make You Whole Again, Read This

If you're looking for a love to make you whole again, don't look out there.


Most of us spend our entire lives searching for “the one.” Someone to complete us. Someone to finally fill the void, and make us feel whole. Someone who will bring us joy, and solve all of our problems.

But if you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, you’re looking in the wrong places; the wrong faces.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, don’t look out there. Don’t pin your hopes on strangers to make you smile again, don’t fall into the arms of someone to try and mask your loneliness, and don’t fall into bed with someone when they whisper everything you’re desperate to hear.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, look inwards. Open your heart to yourself. Bring down those walls you’ve held around it for so long. Allow yourself to fill and swell with your own, unconditional love. And let this be enough; because it is.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, spend every moment of every day loving your sweet soul. Caress your beautiful body. Speak kindly to and about yourself. Fill your hours taking care of yourself, and your own needs. Do things that bring laughter to the corners of your eyes, and a comforting warmth to your belly.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, be with friends who remind you how loved you are, how amazing you are, and how you don’t need anyone to fix you or make you better. The ones who remind you that you needn’t change who you are, or what you believe in to be accepted.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, spend some time sitting with your pain. Sitting with that feeling that there’s something missing. And ask yourself, when did you start to feel this way? Can you remember the moment when you decided that you were not enough?

Our culture does its very best to convince us we’re not good enough, smart enough, sexy enough – never enough. But you are enough. And it takes a courageous, bad-ass woman to wake up each day and choose to believe that.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, I want you to know that you are not broken. Maybe somewhere along your journey, someone made you feel like you are. But you’re not, I promise you, you’re not. Let that sink into your heart. Let it heal those old wounds that continue to resurface.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, I need you to remember that you already are whole. Our world will try its best to convince you you’re incomplete until you’re one half of something else, but don’t you dare believe it. Nothing and nobody out there can ever make you feel whole if you do not already feel so.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, it’s time to step up and choose yourself. It’s time to quit handing your power over to someone you don’t even know. It’s time to stop allowing other people to control your feelings, and determine your self-worth.

It’s time to reclaim your power.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, what you’re really seeking, is yourself. Your own love. Your own approval, and validation. Your own affection, and kindness. All of the things that we can spend our entire lives searching for out there, but never find. Because they were right here within our own hearts all along.

If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, look no more.

Because you’ve already found it. It’s already yours. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Shani Jayawardena

I hold a mirror to your soul, so you can see how beautiful you are