When I Get Where I’m Going It Will Be Because Of Me

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I chose to forgive. It will be because I chose to take giant leaps of faith without having any fear. It will be because I chose happiness over settling for less than.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I allowed my heart to break, mend, and heal more than enough. It will be because I shared my victories, battle wounds, sins, and struggles with the world in hopes of making a difference. It will be because I dreamed big, loved hard, traveled far, and lived passionately.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I tried and I failed. It will be because I learned that sometimes the best qualities you can bring to the table are compassion and perseverance. It will be because I lost, but opened my heart to grieve and rise above.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I learned to accept my past. It will be because I became my own backbone, became my own greatest strength instead of allowing the struggles to consume or define my weaknesses. It will be because I learned from my biggest mistakes and setbacks; because I moved mountains from of my greatest fears.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I grew from pain. It will be because I grew from rejection, hurt, and sadness. It will be because I chose to leave my heart open instead of closing it off to anything, or anyone, that showed any signs for a potential to break me.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because of the people along the way. It will be because of those who hurt me, healed me, shaped me, believed in me. It will be because of His unwavering love and assurance that kept my head held high through life’s unpredictable ups and downs.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I believed in myself. It will be because I chose to challenge life’s greatest obstacles head-on, knowing that I would somehow overcome. It will be because I embraced failure and struggle as much as I did success.

When I get where I’m going, it will because I allowed myself to feel. It will be because I allowed my heart to let people in instead of suffering through the big things on my own. It will be because I learned to rely on faith, love, and purpose, instead of relying on myself alone.

When I get where I’m going, it will be because I found my purpose, my destiny, my final destination. It will be because I trusted His timing; His reasoning. It will be because of me, for me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alexa Loebel

Passionate about self-love, resilience, having faith and love always