This Is The Kind Of Woman Who Never Gives Up On Her Dreams

What kind of woman never gives up on her dreams? That is a question I get asked all the time.

In my many years as a life coach, I have worked with all sorts of women. They all come to me looking for help through difficult times, and some of them have more success than others.

When I look back at those who have made it through those difficult times, I can see 5 personality traits all women who never give up have in common.

So what kind of woman never gives up?

1. She is self-confident

Without exception, the kind of woman who never gives up is self-confident.

Women who are self-confident know who they are in the world, know what they’re capable of and have life experience to show they can do what they need to do if they try hard enough.

Ironically, many women build self-confidence as they successfully navigate their difficult times. One of my clients was deserted by her husband, leaving her alone and feeling worthless. While she worked hard to get her life back, she developed steely self-confidence because she knew she was going through hell and back and was prevailing.

Self-confidence is a key part of knowing that you have resilience and that you will be okay.

2. She is determined

Women who never give up on their dreams are determined. Always.

Picture yourself running a marathon. You reach mile 13 and you say to yourself, I will never be able to do this. A woman who has no resilience would pull over to the side of the road and drink the proffered lemonade, happy enough that they have made it as far as they did.

A woman who is resilient would never give up. They would run until the end of that race no matter what kind of pain and suffering they experienced. They would be so determined to finish what they started that they would make it happen.

If you aren’t determined to finish what you start, to reach a goal or to get through a difficult period, you’ll never be able to do it. Before you start on your journey, ask yourself how determined you are. That level of determination will be a measure of your potential for success.

3. She is flexible

A woman who never gives up is a woman who is flexible. A woman who believes that their way is the right way or the only course of action is a woman who will be stymied in their journey to get through difficult times.

I remember when I was getting a divorce I was determined that I would find love again as soon as possible. I joined and started dating every eligible man I encountered.

Surprise, surprise—I didn’t find love. Instead, I was extremely frustrated at the lack a connection I had with these men. Rather than continuing on my initial course of action (finding love immediately), I decided to turn attention away from finding love towards building my business instead.

To my surprise, building my business did more to get me through those hard times than finding love ever would have.

If I hadn’t been flexible in my perspective and instead stayed on my original course, I might never have been resilient enough to get through those dark times.

4. She is persistently hopeful

There is something about women who are persistently hopeful. They believe that, the matter what, everything is going to turn out fine. Someone who is persistently hopeful is someone who can be sometimes very annoying, especially when we are struggling.

A woman who is persistently hopeful, however, is someone who never gives up. No matter what obstacles are placed in front of her, she believes that everything will be okay. She knows, deep in her heart, that she can get through difficult times and out the other side intact.

If you aren’t a persistently hopeful person, consider developing this personality trait. If you truly believe that everything will work out in the end, it most likely will.

5. She is resourceful

Resourcefulness is a key part of never giving up.

Women who are resourceful have a plan. Women who are resourceful have resources they can tap into to make things happen. Women who are resourceful know people who can help them on their journey. Women who are resourceful are people who know, no matter what obstacles present themselves, they will figure out a way to get around them.

I always ask my clients what kind of tools they already having their toolbox to help them deal with difficult times. Who can support them? What kind of books can they read? What kind of experiences have they had in the past that they can draw from that might be helpful in the situation?

When you are going through difficult times and you need resilience more than anything, look around at the resources you have available to you to help you move forward and be successful.

In my experience, women who never give up share common personality traits.

Fortunately, all of these personality traits are ones that you can develop with consciousness and action. When you are going through dark times, dig deep and find your self-confidence. Set out to be determined always and be flexible when necessary. Always keep an eye out for that person or thing who can help you on your journey and know that it’s all going to be okay.

Be the kind of woman who never gives up on their dreams, and really, everything will be okay!

I promise. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Mitzi Bockmann