7 Little Things About Love I Want You To Always Remember

1. It is never too late to start loving yourself. Remind yourself that in a world full of indefinite situations, you must always choose you. I hope you give yourself the love you are willing to give other people.

2. Love in a way that you won’t ever lose yourself to another person because love is about growing, not selfishness. Love is a feeling of contentment with one’s self and with what the other person can give. Let real love consume you, let the fire within you burn the feeling of doubts. Let love help you grow.

3. You deserve a genuine, pure love—a love that’s only meant for you. Please don’t give too much of yourself to a person who will not even give you their full attention and time.

4. Don’t keep on holding on to a halfhearted love. You don’t deserve the tears you cry at night. What you really deserve is the kind love that makes you never question your worth.

5. Let go of the things that make you doubt yourself. Let go of the man who made you distrust your self-worth. Let go of the friends that attack you behind and your back and made you uneasy. Let them all go, they’re not worth it.

6. If he really loves you, he won’t make you feel less than what you are. If he really loves you, he will choose you. If he really loves you, you won’t cry yourself to sleep at night. If he really loves you, you won’t beg for his time. Love is always kind. If he isn’t, it’s not love.

7. Self-love is never greedy. Always love yourself more. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kate Padrinas-Nufable

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ♡