I Hope You Find Someone Who’s Nothing Like Me

You don’t deserve to find another person like me.


I hope you find someone who’s nothing like me. My hope for you is that you find someone exactly like yourself. I want the next person you move onto to be exactly as you are. Not the you that you see yourself as, but the you that you actually are. I want you to know the feeling of having someone latch onto you and leach every hope, dream, shred of happiness that you have and destroy them.

I hope you find someone who’s nothing like me. No one else deserves to have the feeling of happiness taken from them. I hope you find someone that’ll treat you the way you treat others- not someone like me. I hope you find the kind of person you are to others. Someone that clings onto you and takes away your sense of security. I hope you find someone that makes you feel the way you made me feel.

I hope you find someone who’s nothing like me. That you no longer have someone that’s willing to be the backup plan, willing to do anything for you to let you know you’re loved. I hope that you find someone that shows you what that feels like. I never wanted you to suffer, I’ve never wanted anyone to suffer.

After everything you put me through – I still don’t want you to suffer. I just hope that the next person you move onto doesn’t care the way that I did. I want you to know that the entire world won’t bow down to your feet to make sure that you’re comfortable. Not everyone is going to bend over backward so that you can use and manipulate them into being what you want.

I hope the next person that you find is nothing like me. I hope that they see you for who… No, for what you are. I hope that they see that you’re a user. That you’re a manipulator. That you cause pain and destruction everywhere that you go. I hope that you never find another person like me.

You don’t deserve to find another person like me. You don’t deserve to find someone that loves you, cares about you so much, will do anything to preserve a false friendship and pretend to be happy with how things are. I hope that you don’t ever get another chance to find someone like me and shatter their hopes. I don’t want you to find another person like me – I don’t want them to break the way that you almost broke me.

The difference is that I have strength. I’ll have weak moments – I’ll get knocked down. I’ll always get back up on my feet, though. I just never want you to have another chance to make someone feel inferior. I never want you to have another chance to take away someone’s hopes, dreams, happiness, and sense of love. You don’t deserve to make anyone feel the way that you’ve made me feel.

I hope that the next person you find is nothing like me and that they’re exactly like you. Maybe that’s the only way that you’ll ever see that your actions are wrong. Maybe that’s the only way that you’ll ever see that you’re the cause of the suffering in your life.

I thank you for finally removing my rose colored lenses and letting me see things as they are. That you aren’t as great as I painted you in my mind – that you never were. I hope that the next person that you find is nothing like me, and I hope that you never find another person like me – that you realize there isn’t another person like me. By the time you realize that you had the chance to be cared about, truly cared about, I hope that you see the errors of your own ways. I hope you find someone who’s nothing like me because anyone like me never deserved to encounter a walking destruction like you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark