We’re Not A ‘Love Song’ Kind of Song

We’re not a love song kind of love. You weren’t the type of love I saw coming. I didn’t fall in love with you when you walked into the room. We will never be your picture perfect fairytale.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We’re not a love song kind of love. We were unexpected. We’re the kind of love that’s rough around the edges. If you glance you might miss it.

Truth is, I never saw you coming. And then one day we just were. This isn’t your average love song.

I blinked and something changed. We’re not a love song kind of love, because you’re not perfect. Nor am I.

We don’t play by the rules. We don’t fit into a three-minute song.

We shouldn’t work. But sometimes we do.

I’m still hoping that we do.

I’m afraid of losing what we have.

But I know I’m yours.

And I’m okay not being a love song kind of love.

Because our kind of love is raw. Our love is passionate. It’s the kind of love that you still get butterflies from years later. It’s the kind of love you can’t explain.

A love that can justify all the pain you’ve previously felt. We will never be a love song kind of love, but we are messy, torn, and a rich kind of love.

The kind of love that makes you excited to wake up each day. We may not fit into a box. But great loves never do.

I don’t want a love song kind of love. I want that imperfect, messy kind of love. We’re more like a bad country song. Two people who crashed into each other. We may not have it all, but we have each other.

We may not be your sappy love song. You might not be prince charming. I may not be a perfectly poised girl in a ball gown. But we are real. And right. We will never be that love song. But we are enough.

About the author

Kristin Rattigan

Chicago born and raised. Stay strong but sweet.