This Is Where To Find Each Zodiac Sign On Halloween

At last, the holiday of thrills and chills is here and it begs the question: how are you planning to celebrate Halloween, the spookiest night of the year? Binge watching horror movies on Netflix? Pumpkin carving? No clue yet? Well, don’t worry about a thing, witches! The zodiac takes care of everything, and it can even reveal the ideal plan for such a special night like All Hallow’s Eve. Every zodiac sign likes to celebrate in their own way but they all have one thing in common for sure: they will all be doing something terrifyingly fun on Halloween night. So, let the festivities begin because after all, this is Halloween, everybody make a scene!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’re always looking for an adventure and what better night for one than Halloween? There are plenty of opportunities for you to get your adrenaline levels through the roof; haunted houses, ghost tours, horror movie marathons in creepy cemeteries. And, knowing you Aries, you’ll probably start a fight before this night is over. You simply cannot help yourself. You love to push buttons and to be as offensive as possible. So, go ahead and let loose!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Just because you’re not up for partying this year, doesn’t mean that you’re not feeling festive. You are definitely feeling the Halloween vibes with your pumpkin scented candles and jack-o’-lanterns all over your home. So take your homebody attitude in stride this year and eat all the pizza you can while you overload yourself with Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger. On the other hand, why not dabble into the occult with a game of the Ouija board?

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini knows no limits this holiday and this is definitely the sign to follow if you want to get absolutely drunk this Halloween. Gemini is on a mission this year and there is nothing that will stop them. They are looking for love but they are also looking to have a good time. One thing is for sure: this sign will be crashing parties like it’s their business on Halloween and when it’s all said and done there will be stories to tell for years to come.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You take every major holiday as an opportunity to decorate your home and this Halloween is no exception. You’ve carved the pumpkins, you’ve baked the cookies, and you’ll be at home in your fabulous costume waiting for the trick-or-treaters to knock on your door. Just, don’t do it all by yourself, Cancer! Gather some of your ghoulfriends and engage in some appropriate fun this Halloween night!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo will definitely be out partying with Gemini this Halloween. They’ve been waiting for this night for a long time but not because they are super into spooky stuff. Leo has been looking for an excuse to forget about their inhibitions and just have a swell time. So, they will be apple-bobbing, wolfing down Halloween candy, and drinking all the Halloween cocktails they can. Just have a camera handy, because you’ll want to get some visuals of this!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Like a virgin, but not this Halloween! Everybody will get to see Virgo’s sexy side because they’ll be rocking a seductive vampire look and this will not be the time to feel apologetic about it! All of your friends will be taken aback by your sudden lack of inhibitions and be careful, because some criticism is bound to come your way, Virgo. But, don’t worry, it’s one night only!

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This Halloween will find you in a relationship or at least desperately searching for one. So, try to not show how eager you are for a romantic connection and be as cool about it as you can. You know how it is, Libra; love comes to those who are patient. And, here’s a hint: Halloween descended from an ancient Celtic festival where apple-bobbing was a popular attraction. It was said that whoever caught the first apple, would get married (or romantically involved) next. So, give it a try and see what the future holds!

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

Halloween is right up your alley, Scorpio. You’re dark and twisted and have no problem with hanging out in old creepy graveyards. That type of setting actually puts you at ease. Plus, on Halloween this year you’re experiencing a boost of creativity. So, put that to good use and enter a pumpkin carving contest or maybe even take on Virgo in a sexy costume contest. Get ready because the time has never been more right for you to slay!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Calm down, Sagittarius! You will get your chance to show your hottest moves on the dance floor. Just take a breather (or a pumpkin spice shot) and don’t wear yourself out before the night has even started. Your main goal this year is to get drunk as quickly as possible and have a good time. But there is no need to rush things. Just enjoy the celebrations and while you’re at it, enjoy documenting the whole shindig with your friends!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You are the most down to earth in the zodiac but during this time you might be feeling a bit more curious towards the spiritual world. There is nothing wrong with exploring other dimensions especially during a night when the veil between the physical and the spiritual world is at its thinnest. So, Capricorn, you definitely don’t have to go hardcore on Halloween, but just remember that even ancient pagans used to dance around the fire in their birthday suites.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius has been planning for this night ever since the first leaves started falling in September. But, despite all the planning, they have not made any decisions yet. Should they get dressed up and go drinking? Or should they stay at home and go through their entire collection of horror classics? So many choices and so little time! Don’t despair, dear Aquarius! Whatever you end up doing on Halloween you can be sure that you’ll enjoy to the fullest. This holiday your main ambition will be to let all your skeletons run loose. And, you can bet you’ll be running with them!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This spooky night will find you in a rather tired state of mind and you’re not really feeling like going out and painting the town red. You’ll most likely want to unwind at home in your comfiest blankets next to the Halloween candy you apparently bought for the trick-or-treaters. But, who are we kidding? You’re eating it all on your own. On the other hand, you might end up playing a game of the Ouija board with Taurus. And, knowing your personality, you might take the board’s messages way too personally. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Ioana Scholler

Be nice to me; otherwise, I’ll write about you.