This Guy Tweeted About His Experience With A Haunted Ouija Board And It’s Actually Fucking Terrifying

This Guy Tweeted About His Experience With A Haunted Ouija Board And It’s Actually Fucking Terrifying

It’s the spookiest time of the year, and while many may be running to the pumpkin patch or pulling out their tarot cards to prepare, you might want to second guess investing in that Ouija board you’ve been eying at the store. While some may scoff and call them children’s toys, it’s no secret to believers that these boards seem to attract a lot of negative energy. And with negative energy comes some pretty terrifying negative experiences.

Don’t believe me? You might want to take a gander at this story from Twitter user Marcus Hitchcock, which addresses a particularly harrowing experience he had when he was young, dumb, and left alone with an antique Ouija board.

But before he gets into exactly what happened, it’s important to know the backstory.

All caught up? Good. Now we get to the real story — you’ll find out why the details matter soon.

It all started as fun and games…

… until suddenly, it wasn’t.

And from there, it only gets worse.


I’m not ready…

Thankfully, help came before things could get TOO bad.

Remember how he said his aunt died in a hurricane? Well…

While they didn’t properly dispose of the Ouija board, maybe it’s good they burned it…

It’s no surprise that this event has stayed with Marcus for years.

The moral of the story? Whether or not you believe what happened to Marcus was a supernatural event, it’s probably a bad idea to mess around with anything that has to do with contacting spirits. You know, just in case.

Have a happy and safe Halloween season, all. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes