Ariana Grande Fans Found A Secret Message In One Of Her Newest Songs

You just have to play the song backwards — seriously.


Ariana Grande in 'Dance For This"
Youtube / Troye Sivan
Ariana Grande in 'Dance For This"
Youtube / Troye Sivan

Ariana Grande’s new album is full of bops — even aside from radio hits “No Tears Left to Cry” and “God Is a Woman,” Sweetener is a well-made, intimate record that gives us a deeper insight into who Ariana Grande is as a person.

While album covers the anxiety and PTSD she experienced after the Manchester bombing, it takes a surprisingly optimistic and upbeat position on the unfolding events in her life, often highlighting the good (like her relationship with Pete Davidson) that has helped her through particularly tough times. Considering Ariana’s personal life is so public, it’s hard for fans not to try to dissect every little part of the album.

Well, Arianators did it — they may have actually found a hidden Easter egg in “Breathin,” which opens up with a low, masculine voice speaking gibberish. Except, as fans discovered, it’s not actually gibberish — if you listen to the track in reverse (naturally), you can actually hear someone say, “Tonight is your special night, do something magical.”

Fans of Grande seem to think it’s not just anyone’s voice, but her beloved grandfather’s, whom she was particularly close with. Though he passed away several years ago, Grande has made it pretty clear that he’s still near and dear to her heart.

If the voice DOES belong to her grandfather, it makes the already-emotional song all the more touching. After all, he was always a figure of comfort and love in her life, something she especially needed in the year that followed the Manchester attacks.

Ariana and her team has yet to confirm or deny this claim, but I like the idea of it a lot — there’s something very real, raw, and intimate about this album, and having a piece of her late grandfather within it would make it all the more special. Thought Catalog Logo Mark