My Dream Guy Became A Reality And So Could Yours

He has the biggest heart and cares for everyone so deeply.


Suzana Sousa / Unsplash

I have never felt so safe and comfortable. He doesn’t want to see makeup painted on my face and wants my hair with its natural curl. He understands that I have my flaws and loves me for them. He understands my anxiety and knows that I cannot be left alone in unfamiliar surroundings. He is patient with me and goes as slowly as I need. He is perfection, personified.

Not only does he have the freckles and gorgeous hair. Not only does he have the body and height- the gorgeous face and perfect smile…. he’s not just all the physical characteristics that I have dreamt about loving.

He has the biggest heart and cares for everyone so deeply. He has so much faith in Jesus and forgives as much as he can. He doesn’t just love me- he wants me to be the best version of me that I can ever be. He takes care of me in a way that no one ever has.

I don’t feel vulnerable sharing my secrets and deepest thoughts; my regrets and my prayers. It’s not about sex or seeing me as a sexual object- he genuinely loves me.

When I was younger I dreamt up this guy: he had brown or dirty blonde hair; he had freckles and light eyes; he was tall and well built; he wore glasses; he had the biggest heart and loved all the things I loved… and then this dream guy was no longer a dream. Because there he was, all 6ft of him. Smiling and laughing like a maniac and teaching me to get closer to Jesus. Not only telling me that he would love me but showing me, too.

Girls: don’t be afraid to dream and hope for a certain guy… he may surprise you and show up at your door. Thought Catalog Logo Mark