I Love You Enough To Go Slowly

You’re different because I finally understand what it means to be in love and I’m most certainly not messing this up.


Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

It’s not about all the heartbreak I’ve endured or the relationship failures I’ve experienced. Although, I do want this to last and I crave for us to be different from the rest… I want us to take our time for a much simpler reason.

I’ve grown up, I’m not obsessed with this idea of a perfect relationship. I don’t care about how many times you buy me roses or surprise me with romantic dates and I’m certainly not about to complain that you don’t buy me teddy bears or jewelry.

This time, I know what love really means. I know that love is not a jealous or self-seeking experience. I know that I want to be everything you need me to be for you- rather not be selfish and beg you to be everything I want. I know that loving someone isn’t about the cute photos or the way our friends say “I wish I had what they had”.

I want us to take our time because I want to savor every second with you. I want to remember the freckles on your face and the way your hair falls when you wake up. I want to be able to trace your smile lines in my mind. I want to know every detail of kissing you and know every feeling I experience when I’m with you.

I want to make so many memories with you that I could fill shelves of photo albums. I want to be in the now with you and not focus on what could happen tomorrow.

Yes- you are different. You’re different because I finally understand what it means to be in love and I’m most certainly not messing this up.

Why would I want to rush the most beautiful journey I am yet to experience? Thought Catalog Logo Mark