An Open Letter to My Best Friend’s Forever Person

You are extremely lucky.


NeONBRAND / Unsplash

You are incredibly lucky to have her. I need you to know that. You can reply with, “I know that I’m lucky,” or, “I appreciate her, you don’t have to tell me that.” But,I can guarantee that you do not know just how lucky you are.

You have the heart of a girl who has held my hand countless times. Through the good celebrations and the bad heartbreaks. She is going to love you with her whole heart; you are fortunate because you won’t ever have to go one day guessing if she loves you or not. She makes it known—she radiates her love for you, with every little thing that she does. You don’t just have a partner now- you have a best friend. She will push you and she will never let you settle. She will take care of you and make you want to be a better person.

So yes; you are extremely lucky.

But you’re not just lucky: you’re special too. Although she is a brilliant human being, not many guys have managed to see that. They have hurt her and broken her heart, to the point of her not seeing any good in herself. If she is yours, you must be damn special to have gotten her into a relationship again. Because I know she’s been scared to love again.

I knew you would come along one day, she’s too special not to have a forever person. You need to take care of her!

I want you to look at her, every day, knowing that you were different because she took down her walls for you, you were special because she isn’t afraid to love anymore, thanks to you. Every second with her you need to remember: you are one in a million to be with her… don’t you dare mess that up. Thought Catalog Logo Mark