This Is Why My Idea Of Fairy-Tale Love Comes From ‘Me Before You’

Every girl’s dream is to have a certain book or movie type relationship and I am no exception.


me before you
Alisa Anton
me before you
Alisa Anton

Every girl’s dream is to have a certain book or movie type relationship and I am no exception. Ever since the novel’s release and even more so after the film adaptation hit cinemas, I have become obsessed with Lou and Will from Me Before You. I’m not one to reread a book or never get tired of a film, but I have successfully reread Me Before You 13 times and watched the movie a grand total of 30 times… Yes, you could call me a little obsessed. But honestly, what is wrong with wanting a love like theirs?

Aside from both Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke’s gorgeous looks, both characters make you fall in love with them in different ways. Lou is beyond adorable and bubbly, she is the type of partner that will do anything to brighten up your day, all while wearing five-inch heels and brightly colored tights. Will is charming and charismatic, he is the type of partner that encourages you to get out of your comfort zone and shapes you into being a well-developed and better person. Needless to say, both would be ideal partners. But the two’s personalities is not why I envy their love.

They have that type of love that makes you question who you are and if you truly like the person you are every day. It also happens to be the type of love that changes you and makes you “become a whole new person.” It’s the type of love that, while being filled with laughs and happiness, is also the type of love that does not fade and touches your heart forever.

Alright, so the adventures don’t sound bad either but I can say with the utmost certainty that this novel and film are my feel-good escape from society…I will spend my whole life hoping and praying for my Will or Lou to find their way to me (fingers crossed).

If you haven’t watched or read the book, I urge you…no I insist you do so, it will simultaneously break and warm your heart. Plus; who doesn’t love a good cup of tea? Thought Catalog Logo Mark