This Woman Met Her ‘Soulmate’ On The Subway And Now She’s Doing Everything To Try To Find Him

Devin Custalow and a sketch of the man she met on the subway
Twitter / @parkmgm

Have you ever run into a stranger in a random place and thought, “Huh, this person could be my soulmate”? Maybe we all have overactive imaginations, but it’s nice to think that maybe you met because of fate, and maybe they’re the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

Twenty-five-year-old Devin Custalow was taking the subway with a friend in October when she happened to see a man she thought might be The One. She said she could tell he was watching her and that they both had wanted to talk to one another, but they didn’t have the chance by the time Devin had to get off.

She decided to post in the “Missed Connections” section on Craigslist about the yellow-shoed mystery man, but she never heard anything back. So she decided to go one step further: she was going to find a way to meet up with the man on Valentine’s Day.

Devin wasn’t messing around. She posted fliers all over the city with a description of herself, her Twitter handle, and the exact place and time he could meet up with her on Valentine’s Day if he was interested.

She also plastered a giant poster to the wall where they were supposed to meet, just in case he missed it.

The poster read:

I was the brunette in the green pants. You were in yellow shoes, glancing at me, and pretended not to listen to me and my roommate discuss how I wanted to talk to you. I even missed my stop in hopes that you would say something, but you never did. I know you probably won’t see this but if you do, say hi this time.

Okay, you’ve got to admit, it’s pretty cute. Even the local news channels were invested in Devin’s love life.

But unfortunately for Devin, the man didn’t show up. She waited for 30 minutes before she finally threw in the towel.

It’s kind of disappointing, isn’t it? There’s a possibility the guy didn’t really want to be found, or that maybe he was in a relationship. But also, there are plenty of other reasons Devin’s mystery man didn’t show up — for instance, maybe he didn’t see the fliers. Or maybe, just maybe, trying to meet up with someone at 1 p.m. on a Wednesday is an awful idea for anyone with a job. Just saying.

Still, this girl has guts. She decided to shoot her shot and even if she didn’t score, She’s still an inspiration to all of us. If you meet someone and you think it might be fate, take a chance. You never know what the outcome will be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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