The Brutally Honest Reason Why She Has No Idea How Beautiful She Is

A beautiful girl
Unsplash / Annie Spratt

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she only sees herself when she is posing for pictures, when she is staring into the camera, faking smiles. She never gets the chance to see herself during authentic moments. When she is laughing with her friends or talking about her passion or staring at the stars. And those moments are when she looks the most stunning.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she has been hurt before. People she loved have left her, and since they never gave her an explanation, she created one herself. She assumed she wasn’t good enough for them, wasn’t pretty enough for them. She thought that, if she was more attractive, then they would have stayed.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she pays too much attention to social media likes. She acts like she couldn’t care less about how much attention her posts get, but if the number ends up being too low, then she gets embarrassed. She might even delete the picture, erase the evidence that she ever posted it in the first place.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she has an easy time believing the nasty things people whisper about her, but she can never take a compliment. When her friends tell her how attractive she looks, she thinks they’re only trying to be nice. Even when she’s in a relationship and the person she’s dating mentions how pretty she looks, she feels like he’s only saying it because he has to say it. Because it’s part of his job.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she is too focused on individual flaws to see the whole picture. Whenever she walks past a mirror, she worries about how huge her forehead looks or how chubby her legs look. She never takes a second to consider all of her positive aspects. She only sees the worst in herself. Her eyes go straight to her flaws and skip past her best features.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she has an image in her head about what she is supposed to look like. She doesn’t understand that beauty can come in many different forms. She might not look like the celebrities she follows on Instagram, but that doesn’t make her any less attractive than they are. They are pretty in different ways.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she keeps comparing herself to other people. She has trouble accepting the way she looks because she every time she turns around, she sees someone prettier than her. Someone who looks like they are trying less but achieving more. She can find the beauty in everyone around her, even the friends who are as insecure as she is, but she keeps struggling to see the beauty in herself.

She has no idea how beautiful she is because she is biased. She refuses to believe that she could be wrong, that she could be confused, that she might actually be beautiful. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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