A Day In The Life Of Someone Who Practices True Clean Eating

I eat super clean, nothing processed, no alcohol, nothing caffeinated. Basically, if it doesn’t grow from the ground or isn’t an egg I don’t consume it.


Anna Pelzer / Unsplash

I have been asked a lot lately about what I eat. If you think I look like crap then please go ahead and stop right here because this won’t be for you. I’m 5’6″, 125 pounds. I don’t obsess about food. I have eaten like this for years so it is just a part of my life. I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything because this really is all I know.

The entire principal I follow each and every day of my life is to make the quality of my day, each day, the best I can. That means whether it’s getting enough sleep, playing with my kids, chasing my dreams, not drinking alcohol, or eating it all comes down to how I want to live my life. As well as how I want my body to feel. So I fuel it with healthy foods so I can feel the best I can.

So much research indicates that certain foods can cause an inflammatory response in our body. Other foods like sugars give us super highs then leaving us feeling flat. Caffeine too gives us a huge burst but then leaves us wanting more.

I avoid all the above.

I eat super clean, nothing processed, no alcohol, nothing caffeinated. Basically, if it doesn’t grow from the ground or isn’t an egg I don’t consume it. I eat single ingredient foods. So if you look at a label and there is more than one ingredient listed then I am not eating it. An exception would be a homemade veggie patty made from beans, eggs, spinach, sweet potato. All single real foods that grew from the ground mushed together.

I lost my mom to cancer, my grandmother (her mom) had cancer 3 times. I don’t want to feed any radical cells anything they might like. So I don’t eat anything that science shows can cause tumor cells to grow. I eat a very high antioxidant diet. Tons and tons of fruits and vegetables every single day.

Science shows mixed thoughts on eggs. Some vegans swear to never consume them for their own reasons. I have done my research and feel they are the right choice for me. I do not consume any protein shakes or protein bars. My idea of a protein shake would be blending together real foods with silken tofu or eggs or nuts.

Do I ever go outside this? Maybe once or twice a month I will eat sorbet at dinner if we are out to eat. It is crazy sweet to me because I never eat sugar during the month. Otherwise no. Maybe soy sauce if I’m out to dinner once a month for vegetable sushi.

I also don’t eat gluten. So all my hot meals are typically paired with rice. I cannot digest wild or brown rice. I can not digest quinoa either and I love it but it irritates my digestive tract.

The bulk of my meals are green vegetables so swiss chard, spinach etc. Then sprinkled with the higher sugar content vegetables like sweet potato or squash. I love these root vegetables but they “stick” to my body more so they need to be limited per meal. Nuts are mixed in, so are beans and tofu. I don’t do sugar sauces. Everything is made from ingredients and blended.

A Typical Day


*Container of strawberries
*Container of another berry
*Naturally caffeine free tea
*Fresh squeezed OJ mixed with Pellegrino
*2 hard-boiled eggs
*Kimchi (awesome natural probiotic)


*Hot mix vegetables/rice/bean dish
*2 hard-boiled eggs with kimchi or sauerkraut
*2 containers of berries
*A quarter of a melon
*More OJ mixed with Pellegrino


*Hot mix of vegetables/rice/bean dish
*2 hard-boiled eggs with kimchi or sauerkraut
*Soda water with berries and mint or basil mixed in

SNACKS throughout the day

*Container of strawberries
*Container of blueberries
*Container of raspberries
*An egg

I am not a dietician. This is what works for me. I know I eat “too much” fruit and it has natural sugars in it. But I like it so I will continue unless it starts to bother me. I do not consume alcohol because it makes me feel TERRIBLE the next few days afterward and causes major digestion issues for a minimum of a week if not longer.

If you have questions or whatever give me a shout! I am very passionate about healthy eating for myself. TC mark