TC Month In Review: August

This month at Thought Catalog, we cataloged a lot of thought.  Jimmy Chen cataloged thoughts about Old Spice, bird shit, online dating, and porn. Shawn Vandor cataloged a recollection of his vacation to Mallorca, a small Mediterranean island, located to the southeast of Spain.  Andrew James Weatherhead cataloged the four times he saw people have seizures. Daniel Coffeen ranted about capitalism, explained why the Showtime program Weeds matters, and said “the only way to have a free press is to have a state run press.”

Jeremy Helligar kept us in the loop with all things pop culture.  Sandra Kofler recapped Lollapalooza 2010. Matthew Newton wrote a satirical piece about Lindsay Lohan, The Cobra Snake, and George W. Bush.  The Thoughtful Reader did right by Pope Pius XII with a book review of Hubert Wolf’s Pope and Devil – The Vatican’s Archives and the Third Reich. Yevgeniya Traps reviewed Alina Bronsky’s Broken Glass Park. Madison Moore articulated his love for James Franco, the color black, and shared with us ten really cool pieces of modern art.   Franklin Bruno wrote about the films of Ida Lupino and the strange career of Gene/Eugene McDaniels.  Bruno also reviewed Robyn & Kelis concert at Webster Hall and Wavves’ King of the Beach. Brian Donovan made us laugh out loud. Molly Oswaks told us why Mad Men‘s Betty Draper is such a bummer. Ben Saucier contributed a controversial  piece about the resignation of  Hampshire College president Ralph Hexter.

We interviewed The Chainsmokers and Blake Butler of   A Gore Vidal quote collage surfaced on Aug. 26, 2010.    We met Maggie.   Liz Colville kept things fresh with a bunch of amazing articles, one of which featured a taste test of all things sans gluten.   And her article on Alexa Chung is being praised by pundits and scholars as “the best thing ever published on the Internet about Alexa Chung.”

One miniseries ended in August, and two commenced.    To the archive went Brandon Scott Gorrell’s four-part series, All the Drugs I’ve Ever Taken in Chronological Order.  To the front page went Leigh Alexander’s All The Video Games Consoles I’ve Ever Owned and Lesley Arfin’s All The Boyfriend I’ve Ever Had.   Mr. Gorrell also began to experiment with a new column about shit talking on the Internet. But he reports via email “…I have this sort of dread feeling that interest is going to wane on that.”

What else? We started enabling the comment feature for practically every post. Nylon called us an “awesome culture website.”  Thanks, Nylon. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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