Why I’m Not Resolving To Lose Weight This Year

I totally support people making healthy changes and routines, but I cringe thinking about the entire movement to lose weight in the new year, mostly because I associate dieting with the darkest part of my life.


walking up stairs
Bruno Nascimento
walking up stairs
Bruno Nascimento

It’s time to say goodbye to another year which, typically comes with reflection and of course, New Year’s resolutions. While I’m constantly striving to grow in various ways, I can’t help but hold my breath as the month of January approaches. I anticipate the gym talk, the comments about how much people ate over the holidays and the conversations about “getting back on the wagon.”

I totally support people making healthy changes and routines, but I cringe thinking about the entire movement to lose weight in the new year, mostly because I associate dieting with the darkest part of my life.

Losing weight wasn’t just a new year’s resolution for me at one point. It was my life, and no matter how much dieting and exercising I did, I never felt good enough. While I too want to tone up my body, get stronger and overall healthier, losing weight won’t be my primary goal in 2018.

I quickly fell into a spiralized obsession with food and exercise after making a goal to lose weight one summer. At first, I felt amazing about my new body and lifestyle, but it soon became the only thing I lived for. If I slipped up in my rigid diet or exercise regime, I’d beat myself up to the point where I never felt worthy or confident in myself to do pretty much anything.

While I’ve left most of that old lifestyle in the dust, I’m always working to develop a better relationship with my body, food and exercise.

This year, I will strive to take care of mind, body and soul better than I ever have.

I will not starve my body.

I will always nourish my body.

I will be aware of negative self-talk about my body.

I will try new types of exercise to get stronger.

I will listen to my hunger cues.

I will be less routine with my meals.

I will respect people of all sizes.

I will not punish my body after overeating.

I will focus on finding new ways to heal my gut.

I will release any thoughts or feelings that are holding me back from healing my body. 

I will find new ways to let go of stress.

I will strive to be more relaxed, even when I think I’m not stressed.

I will be aware of habits that have a negative effect on my life.

I will do the hard thing first.

This year, I challenge you to shift your focus from losing weight to being wildly healthy. You never will be happy with your weight if you’re constantly critiquing and trying to change it. Put your energy into taking care of your mind and soul, and the way you see your body will change in result of your loving intentions.

Let’s make it a year of love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Morgan Koter

After struggling with body image and disordered eating, Morgan started Mint+Mo to inspire others to break perfectionism and be the happiest and healthiest version of themselves.