She Won’t Wait Forever, Eventually She’ll Walk Away

girl walking in LA
Maxx Miller

“You can hurt her, but it will be temporary. She knows how to love, but she also knows how to love herself. And if you cross that line where she has to choose, understand you will lose.” —J.M Storm

She’s been playing this game with you far too long, and what you fail to recognize is… she will be gone before you know it, and you’ll only have yourself to blame. One day you will wake up to what you think is a normal day before realizing… “oh shit, she’s gone”.

Sooner rather than later, she will understand that her feelings and desires do matter, or maybe she already has.

You’ve given her nothing but breadcrumbs, stringing her along while being unwilling to commit. Keeping her on the backburner, never a priority, simply a backup plan or second choice. She sees the good in you, deep down inside your bones. Inside your soul. Yet, you continue to push her away, confident that she won’t walk away. But, how will you feel if she does?

She isn’t sticking around because she has to, she’s sticking around because she cares about you. She’s willing to fight for you, and accepts the fact that there will be times when things get hard. She continues to choose you, even though she’s simply an option to you.

You know, it’s easy to find someone to love. It’s not quite as simple however, to find someone who loves you. All of you.

She’s not looking for a romance novel, she just wants to be yours. She’s not looking for perfection, because her eyes already see something pretty damn close. She doesn’t want anyone else, but waiting forever isn’t an option.

Make time for her. Fight for her. Don’t shut her out. You should know by now that you aren’t going to scare her away. Don’t ignore her. She wants to be yours, and if you let her slip through your fingers she will walk away without looking back. Make her yours or walk away because it’s not fair to make her wait if it you already know it will never happen.

One day, she will break out of this standstill and today could be that day. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lorin Hawks

fierce, feisty, fun.

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