Why Insecure Girls Feel Like They Have No Friends

An insecure girl with friends
God & Man

We feel like we have no friends because we take everything personally. When we see a friend tag someone else on social media, we wonder why we weren’t the ones being tagged. When we hear about a friend hanging out with someone else, we wonder why we weren’t invited. We make everything about ourselves, which is ironic, considering that we think so low of ourselves.

We feel like we have no friends because we have a tendency to overanalyze.  Why did it take someone so long to send such a short text? Why did they use that emoji? Why did they use a period instead of an exclamation point? Did they only answer back because they felt bad for us, because they didn’t want to be rude? When someone texts us, we reread every word that was typed and try to find hidden messages that aren’t actually there.

We feel like we have no friends because we are too timid to reach out to the people who mean the most to us. When we are bored on a Friday night, we mope around about it instead of actually asking friends to meet up with us. And if we are brave enough to text someone and they explain they are stuck at work or already have plans, we wonder if they are lying. We wonder if they just don’t want anything to do with us.

We feel like we have no friends because we turn down opportunities and then end up with FOMO. We say no to concerts and brunch and bar hopping and then wonder why no one ever invites us anywhere. We stay quiet in conversations and then wonder why no one talks to us. We isolate ourselves and then blame other people for isolating us. We do it to ourselves.

We feel like we have no friends because we never leave the house. We stay inside as much as possible. We sleep as much as possible. And when we actually step foot outside, we want to blend into the background. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. We want to appear invisible.

We feel like we have no friends because it’s hard to meet new people as an adult, and all of our friends from the past are moving on with their lives. They are traveling to new places. They are settling into new homes. They are getting married and having babies and growing further away from us.

Girls like us, girls who are insecure, feel like we have no friends because we are blind to the truth. We can’t see what is right in front of us. We don’t realize how many people love us. We don’t realize how many people care. We don’t realize how many people would do anything to make us happy.

We feel like we have no friends because we don’t think enough of ourselves. We don’t see how much we have to offer. We don’t see the beauty in ourselves that everyone else sees at first glance. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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