This Woman Was Abandoned By A Fuckboy She Flew Into Town For, So She Had A Wild Night With Her Uber Driver Instead

The girl and her uber driver and friends pose for a picture
Twitter / @vickto_willy

I don’t know why but it seems like Uber drivers always have the best stories. Maybe it’s because they meet so many people while working and get to hear all their stories, too. All I know is if you want to be entertained, ask your Uber driving friend for their craziest stories.

Like this girl, who was driving for Uber when she met an unlikely friend.

Seriously, nothing’s better than an impromptu friendship that comes together after some fuckboy broke someone’s heart. I’m here for women protecting women.

Especially when it’s pretty obvious the dude really is a fuckboy.

This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship (and a wild night, tbh).

Honestly, we all need a friend like this.

God, why don’t things like this happen to me? Can we all have something this wholesome in our lives?

Here’s to a beautiful friendship. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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