90 Simple Mantras You Should Live By Starting Now And As You Head Into 2018

Twenty 20

1. Forgive people even when they aren’t sorry.
2. Forgive yourself because you deserve peace of mind.
3. If something scares you that’s probably the choice you should make.
4. If you think you’re settling you probably are.

5. Don’t like boys who ignore you.
6. Don’t give people relationship benefits if they don’t want a relationship.
7. Don’t think too much about someone blowing up your newsfeed.
8. If you’re tired of being played stop responding.
9. Set a clear standard for the relationship you want.
10. If someone doesn’t meet your standards realize what needs to change is the person not your expectations.
11. If someone makes you feel like you’re not good enough it isn’t your job to prove you are.

12. Learn to speak to yourself a little more kindly.
13. Learn to talk about others a little nicer.
14. Be kinder to others because you never know what someone is going through.
15. Realize people are only mean when threatened.

16. Realize not everything you think needs to come out of your mouth.
17. If it isn’t kind don’t say it.
18. If it isn’t true don’t share it.

19. If something isn’t making you happy stop doing it.
20. If you don’t want to go out stay in and don’t feel bad about it.
21. How someone depicts their life across social media isn’t always an accurate depiction of it.

22. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
23. When you feel defeated learn to take a break, don’t quit.

24. Realize not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay.
25. Realize there are some people who watch your every move because they want you to fail.
26. Use that as motivation.

27. If someone rejects you that doesn’t mean you should reject yourself.

28. Pay close attention to how you feel around certain people.
29. And if someone is toxic keep them at arm’s length.

30. If the relationship still hasn’t gone where you want it to say goodbye.

31. If you really want something, make a plan of how to get there.
32. Set realistic goals for yourself.
33. Realize success isn’t going to happen overnight.

34. Realize when you’re giving someone too many chances.
35. Realize when you might not be benefitting someone else’s life and let them go.

36. Pay close attention to the red flags in your life.

37. Do what makes you happy.

38. Don’t try so hard to impress others or give them a reason to stay.
39. Realize the people who are meant to be in your life aren’t going anywhere.

40. Spend every day trying to improve even a little bit.

41. Treat people better than they treat you.
42. But also know when someone doesn’t deserve your effort and it’s time to walk away.

43. Remember the little things people do for you.
44. And when someone does something wrong, don’t forget the things they did right.

45. Stop trying so hard to make everyone else happy if the choice you are making isn’t something you want.

46. When an ex-comes back don’t let them in so easily.
47. Realize someone hurting you once is a mistake but when they do it a second time it’s a choice.

48. Call your parents more and tell them you love them.
49. When that moment comes and you realize how much they sacrificed for you say thank you.

50. Realize what your areas of weakness are and work to improve there.

51. Don’t go looking for a relationship if you haven’t figured out how to be alone.

52. Stop comparing yourself to others.
53. Only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday,

54. Stop ruining relationships because you’re afraid of getting hurt.
55. Stop choosing the wrong people because you’re afraid to get it right.
56. Stop saying you’re bad at relationships.
57. And realize there’s a difference between not being good enough and right enough.
58. Stop chasing people.
59. And learn to stand still, letting things and people come to you.

60. Realize the value of your time and your attention.
61. Don’t waste someone else’s.
62. If you’re unsure of how you feel about someone let them go.
63. Because you both deserve certainty.

64. Learn to live in the moment.
65. Stop being so attached to your phone.
66. Focus more on the people who are there IRL.

67. Stop clinging to pain because you’re used to it.
68. Quit thinking he’s going to come back because you’re only hurting yourself.
69. Stop holding on so tight to the memories you’re afraid you’ll forget.

70. Understand there are some people you’ll love but won’t be with.
71. That realization shouldn’t haunt you.

72. Don’t hold yourself back just because you’re scared.

73. Learn to say these three phrases more. Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry.

74. Learn how to listen.
75. You aren’t always going to be right.
76. Learn when to apologize.

77. Realize when you’re in a bad mood and learn how to change it.
78. Whatever energy you project out into the world make sure it’s positive.
79. Respect everything you’re feeling even if it’s things you aren’t proud of.
80. Learn to feel through some of your uglier emotions then let them go.

81. Be able to answer the question what do I want?
82. Be able to answer the question what will make me happy?
83. If you can’t answer those questions you’ll never be satisfied with anything in your life.

84. Realize when you’re holding onto someone you should be letting go of.
85. Realize when the part you play in someone else’s life is over.
86. And don’t stay there just because you might have a history.

87. If there’s some big change you want to make in your life go for it.
88. If there’s somewhere you want to go stop making up excuses or holding it off.
89. Realize you’re in control of your life and no one else is.
90. And if you aren’t proud of the life you’re leading change it because you can.
* Because everything you have or don’t have in your life is a reflection of the choices you’ve made.

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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