I Said I Was Over You

I Said I Was Over You
God & Man

I deleted your number three months ago.

I unfollowed you on Instagram.

I never say your name out loud.

I packaged up my feelings for you in a cardboard box.

That’s what I thought.

That’s what everyone thinks.

I don’t ask for it, but you come across my mind daily.

I still wish every text was you.

I take a cursory glance around at your subway stop.

There’s a part of me that thinks we’ll run into each other at our favorite bar.

That you’ll apologize for how you mistreated me.

And I’ll apologize about how hard I tried to hang on.

You’ll thank me for being there for you unconditionally.

And I’ll thank you for teaching me so much about myself.

You and l would choose each other and call the past, the past.

But for now, I’m done feeling guilty about missing you.

Because even though it was for a short while,

you still felt like home to me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Irene Tung

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