5 Steps You Need In Your Skincare Routine For Totally Flawless Skin

Our facial skin is the most delicate skin on our bodies, and what we do now to protect it will make all the difference in the coming years.


I think it’s safe to say we all realize the importance of taking care of our skin. However, it’s not as easy as just washing and moisturizing our faces every day. Our facial skin is the most delicate skin on our bodies, and what we do now to protect it will make all the difference in the coming years.

I recently went on a cruise where I learned how to properly take care of my skin. Figuring out what exactly to use on our faces can be overwhelming, so taking what I’ve learned from the skin care experts onboard the cruise, I’ve gathered the top 5 things we need to do to every day to have glowing, youthful skin.

1. Wash your face with a cleanser.


Ditch the Dial soap and find a cleanser that caters to your skin. If you have oily skin, find a cleanser geared toward oily skin. If you have dry skin, find a cleanser for dry skin, and so on. Because the skin on our face is so delicate, we need to make sure we are using a gentle cleanser that will clean our face without being too harsh, such as this one.

2. Use a toner.


Using a toner will balance the PH levels of our skin. This reduces redness, oiliness, and dryness, and smooths out the texture of our skin. This brings our skin back to where it needs to be, helps to de-clog our pours, and cleanses away any leftover dirt and make up from our skin. I have seen great results with this resurfacing gel.

3. Moisturize your face and neck.


Use a neck moisturizer and a face moisturizer morning and night, avoiding the eyes. This hydrates our skin and gives it long-lasting moisture throughout the day. It also helps prevent our skin from over producing oil while also quenching dry skin. A win- win for any skin type! This day and night cream is my personal favorite because it can be used both morning and night!

4. Use an eye serum or eye moisturizer.


The moisturizer we use on our eyes should be separate from the moisturizer we use on our face because the molecules around our eyes are smaller than the molecules on the rest of our face.

If we put regular moisturizer around our eyes, the skin cannot absorb the nutrients properly, and this can lead to premature aging.

We need to be using a serum, such as this Elemis Hydrating Eye Serum or this Elemis Spa Hydra-Gel Eye Mask, specifically designed for the skin around our eyes, so it too can be hydrated with the nutrients it needs. The skin around our eyes is what begins to age first, so taking care of this part of our skin should be a top priority.

5. Exfoliate one to two times per week.


Exfoliation rubs away dead skins cells so our moisturizer can penetrate into the deepest layers of our skin.

Without exfoliating regularly, our skin won’t absorb the nutrients because the dead skins cell that have built up over time will prevent the moisturizer from penetrating through all seven layers of our skin.

It’s best to use a non-intrusive scrub that will lightly exfoliate without causing our skin to become raw or broken. My personal favorite is this Papaya Enzyme Peel Exfoliator that I was introduced to—the enzymes gently eat away at dead skin leaving skin soft, revitalized, and radiant. It is the best, and only, exfoliator I will use!

Knowing how to take care of our face is the key to clear, smooth skin. And don’t forget to give your face some extra TLC every few months by going in for a facial. This helps to clear your skin of all impurities and revitalize it to take on whatever may come its way.

Remember, you’ve only got one face and it has to last you a life time. Take care of it now, and you’ll be reaping the benefits for years to come.

If you’re looking for a five step process that you can be guaranteed will work, try using Tula products. I have used these products for the past month and have seen excellent results (See my results here!). Tula products restore your skin’s natural balance, leaving your skin hydrated, radiant, and resistant to damage.

After two weeks of using their products, my acne cleared up, my redness was reduced redness, and my skin looked healthy and vibrant.

And don’t forget to order my new book, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Surviving Her Twenties.

Author’s Note: This post is not sponsored. Thought Catalog Logo Mark