12 Things You Have To Know Before Dating An Independent Woman


1. She is capable of walking away from an unhealthy situation. An independent woman is able to turn her back to something that doesn’t offer her what she really wants. She knows how to stand on her own two feet and won’t settle for anything less than what she demands.

2. She isn’t looking for a boyfriend, she’s looking for a partner. An independent woman has no desire to just be someone’s girlfriend. She craves a partner who can stand on their own two feet as well. She expects that her partner is able to maintain their own independence but is still capable of sharing a life with her.

3. She puts her goals at the very top of her list. She has certain goals and aspirations that she’s set to achieve. She will never let anyone or anything stand in her way of accomplishing those goals because they are profoundly important to her.

4. She knows the distinct difference between want and need. She may want love, but she sure as hell knows she doesn’t need it.

5. She knows her strengths. She’s fully aware of what she has offer, therefore she challenges herself and strives to improve every single day. She can amplify her strengths and talents in order to succeed in whatever it is she sets her mind to.

6. She gives support and expects to get it back in return. She wants to be surrounded by people who know exactly how to encourage and motivate her to be the best person she can possibly be.

7. She knows what’s worth her time and what isn’t. She doesn’t have time to play games or engage in circumstances that aren’t beneficial to her. She’s extremely cautious with who and what she engages in and will unapologetically set her standards high at all times.

8. She distances herself from needy people. She’s adamant on the idea that you’re able to take care of yourself without constant reassurance from outsiders. She avoids people that show signs of neediness.

9. She doesn’t give herself to a relationship where she gets nothing back. She realizes that a relationship involves two people and there shouldn’t be one person putting in all the effort. It requires a balance and she refuses to put herself in a scenario where she feels unappreciated.

10. She takes her pride very seriously, and has a difficult time swallowing it. She doesn’t apologize for the things that make her who she is and utilizes her pride as a form of sovereignty.

11. She rarely asks for help from others. Instead, she will attempt to solve an issue on her own. She will likely try everything humanly possible before she asks for assistance. She’s so accustomed to figuring out things on her own that it’s likely she will do just that.

12. She doesn’t allow hate to break her down. She’s built a solid foundation of self-confidence within herself so that she’s able to ignore the haters. She doesn’t let defeat weigh her down, instead she finds ways to lift herself up again to be even better than before. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Andrea Davis

Writer, photographer, adventurer.

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