You Were Simply Unlike The Rest

frank mckenna

There was something about you
That I, myself could not think through
Was it the sound of your mellifluous laughter?
Perhaps, the way you seem to be so clever

I couldn’t understand what those eyes behold
That radiated warmth despite the cold
Of subtle stares that always linger
As I get wrapped around your finger

It was the recipe of those homemade cookies
And the depth of your own life stories
Reeling me in – deeper into the sea
Though the land is where I should be

Could it have been your dreams to travel?
Yet it was me you tried to unravel
Maybe it was how we faced the world
We skipped, waltzed, and twirled

You were poems I wrote in the fall
Just when I thought I wouldn’t love at all
A gush of euphoria, a beat in my chest
You were simply unlike the rest Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Tin Escueta

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