Here Are All The Texts This ‘Nice Guy’ Sent His Date After She Decided To Not Have Sex With Him



Twenty20 / @ana_lombardini
Twenty20 / @ana_lombardini

Sometimes first dates just don’t work out. You go have coffee, dinner, a drink, and realize that you and this other person just aren’t a good fit. Like most of us, Reddit user defnotenough has also had a bad first date experience — but this one comes with receipts.

She had just met the guy recently, and agreed to go out to dinner with him. She went back with him to his apartment, and they began to hook up.

She quickly realized that the whole thing felt weird, and decided to leave. Her date, however, was extremely upset about that. Here is the text conversation they had right after she left and in the day after. Buckle your seatbelt, because it’s a wild ride:

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Okay, so this guy sees himself as the classic gentleman. He claims that this girl will never find someone who treats her with so much respect and warmth. He doesn’t seem that warm to me, tbh ???

But wait, he wants to start ~anew~

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Jesus, can this guy make up his mind? One minute he’s saying that he knew their date was doomed from the start, and that she lacks the emotional strength to be with him, blah blah blah; then suddenly, he wants to be friends and maybe things could “evolve to the romantic realm!”

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via Imgur

“What about treating you with the utmost kindness and respect during the date, going personally to bring you water simply because you coughed…”

He begs her to not think about the “bad ending” where they both “weren’t at their best” and instead think about the time he got her water because she coughed! This might be a newsflash to some, but managing to not treat a girl like shit does not make you god’s gift to mankind.

Men: this is not how you get girls. Thought Catalog Logo Mark