This Is Why The Smartest Girls Are Always Single

She's too smart to deal with mixed signals and men that go MIA.


Unsplash / Ariel Lustre

She’s too smart to deal with mixed signals and men that go MIA.

Her schedule is packed. She has a million things she needs to get done. She doesn’t have the time to decipher every text he sends and to map out a plan to impress him.

Love isn’t her main priority. She puts herself first.

So if a guy is going to get in the way of her work or her classes or even her sleeping pattern, she doesn’t want to bother with him. She would rather have things stay the same.

Because, honestly, her life isn’t that bad. She’s fine on her own. She knows how to sew a button and boil water. She’s learned to become comfortable eating dinner and watching movies by herself. She doesn’t need a man to complete her.

She blames her singleness on her high standards. And even though everyone acts like those standards are a good thing, sometimes she isn’t so sure. Sometimes, she thinks that they’re actually a curse.

After all, she sees red flags right away. She can tell when a guy is only looking for sex or when he’s trying to string her along. She notices everything — which is why she turns down everyone.

She listens to her head over her heart, so even when she finds someone that makes her body tingle, her brain takes control. It convinces her that she’s being illogical. Childish. That she should ignore her impulses and do the intelligent thing.

She calls herself a realist, but she’s secretly a pessimist. She doesn’t see the point in getting to know someone that will eventually hurt her.

When a guy gives her butterflies, she tells herself that it won’t stay that way forever. That he’s just playing a part to get in her pants and isn’t as nice as he seems.

She’s decided that the smartest move is to stay single. To avoid the risks of love.

If she focuses all of her energy on work, then she’ll forget all about dating. If she stays up until midnight on her laptop, she’ll never feel lonely. If she cages her heart, then she won’t feel its sting. Those are the lies she tells herself.

She’s single, because she knows the damage humans can do. Because she has seen her friends’ relationships erupt into flames and helped them deal with the wreckage.

She’s single, because she has seen the stupid things people do in the name of love and has sworn to herself that she’ll never be that foolish. That she’ll never let a boy mess with her mind.

But mostly, she’s single, because she hasn’t found the right person yet. She has a big heart and an even bigger brain, so when she finds her forever person, she’ll know.

And when that happens, she’ll finally let herself feel. She’ll let herself love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark