Here’s The 11 Creepiest Pieces Of ‘Found Footage’ That You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee

Sometimes when creepy things happen, there's evidence left behind...


Twenty20 / @dimikangaroo
Twenty20 / @dimikangaroo

Sometimes when creepy things happen, there’s evidence left behind. Here are 11 instances where an eerie event was caught on video / audio and discovered after the fact. Thanks to the horror fanatics at Reddit for the suggestions!

1. The video diaries of Ricardo Lopez

He was obsessed with Björk and over the course of 9 months, made several videos detailing how he was going to kill her with a letter bomb, among other things. At the end of the video he kills himself. The link I posted is an edited version, but I think you can find all the tapes on the internet.

— bungle123

2. Couple drowns on camera

I always found this one creepy. Couple is on their honeymoon and playing around in waist high water at the edge of a lake. Suddenly the ground gives way and they are struggling to stay above the water until finally you don’t see them anymore and the water goes calm.

— cosmic_censor

3. The Weepy Voice Killer

It may not technically be found footage, but the recordings of the Weepy Voice Killer are pretty creepy.

From Wikipedia: On December 31, 1980, Stephani beat Karen Potack in Prescott, Wisconsin, inflicting severe wounds and brain injury. Stephani himself called police at 3 a.m. to report the attack, directing police to a location where “There is a girl hurt there.”

His next victim was Kimberly Compton, an 18-year-old student from Wisconsin on June 3, 1981. After killing her, he again contacted police pleading: “God damn, will you find me? I just stabbed somebody with an ice pick. I can’t stop myself. I keep killing somebody.” Two days later he called police to say he was sorry for stabbing Compton and would turn himself in, but did not.

On June 6 he called to say newspaper accounts of some of the murders were inaccurate. His next call came June 11. In a whimpering, barely coherent voice he cried: “I’m sorry for what I did to Compton.” His next victim was Kathleen Greening, also in St. Paul. Stephani later confessed to drowning her in her bathtub at her Roseville, MN residence.[1] His fourth victim (and the last victim who he killed) was Barbara Simons, a 40-year-old nurse on the Minneapolis side of the river. The two met at the Hexagon bar, after Simons gave Stephani an extra cigarette. After spending the night at the bar with Stephani, Simons told a waitress, “He’s cute, I hope he’s nice, since he’s giving me a ride home.” Simons was found stabbed to death the next day. There were no calls after Greening’s death, but the “Weepy-Voice Killer” contacted police on the murder of Simons: “Please don’t talk, just listen… I’m sorry I killed that girl. I stabbed her 40 times. Kimberly Compton was the first one over in St. Paul.”[2]

— Anagoth9

4. The video diaries of the killers of Cassie Stoddart

Cassie was murdered by two of her friends when she was alone, house sitting for family. The killers wanted to be prolific murderers and chose Cassie only because they knew she’d be alone. One killer led the police to where they buried all the evidence, never mentioning the tape. The murder is not filmed, but the moments leading up to and immediately after the murder are taped.

— TheAnusRestaurant

5. Stephen McDaniel’s peeping tom video

He filmed it right before he strangled and dismembered Lauren Giddings

— eyeless_atheist

6. Audio of mass suicide at Jonestown

The audio recording of the Jonestown Massacre is absolutely chilling. Hearing 900 confused people talking, including all the children, while they don’t know they’re involuntarily committing suicide and it just gets quieter and quieter….fuck that

— pamin1

7. Stockton Arsonist

Investigators got 1,600 calls and possible leads from people across the nation after the videotape was shown on the national television program ‘Unsolved Mysteries.’

Investigators were given the tape after a family whose car had broken down found it wrapped in an old military fatigue jacket beside Highway 205 near Stockton, Calif. in August 1989.

The tape shows flames consuming a house at night as an eerie voice whispers, ‘Ancient spirit of evil. Look at it. The fire department is trying to put it out. What a laugh.’

The unseen narrator, breathing heavily and laughing, spoke to someone named ‘Omar.’ Some investigators thought it could be a reference to Satan.

— Preesi

8. Binghamton River Dam rescue attempt in 1975

Two rafters attempted to float over a lowhead dam, and the backwash caused them to capsize, become trapped in the boil, and drown. The local fire department made an attempt to rescue them, which resulted in the rescue team capsizing and becoming trapped as well, with at least one member drowning.

Further teams were sent out to attempt to recover the bodies, all of them capsizing and being caught in the boil. By the time the fire department ceased recovery efforts, four people (including two firefighters) were dead and five more were hospitalized.

Lowhead dams are one of the most dangerous pieces of terrain in a river, and one of the things that makes them so dangerous is that they don’t look dangerous at all.

— Vehicular_Zombicide

9. Maury Travis’s home movies

Travis was a serial killer in St. Louis who died in 2002. He allegedly killed himself in St. Louis jail, or he was killed by the police. (I favor the latter theory. The details of his hanging don’t really point to suicide.)

Travis picked up prostitutes, took them home, and tortured them before killing them. He recorded all of it on video. The police found the video; it was labeled “Your Wedding Day.” The videos were so disturbing that the chief of police ordered counseling for all of the officers who saw them.

— DognissEverderp

10. The Betty Ong phone call from Flight 11 on 9/11

Betty Ong, a flight attendent on Flight 11, calls American Airlines from an airfone from the back of the plane. this is the final 8 minutes of a 20 minute call.

— yourmomsdrawer

11. Grave Robbing for Morons

It’s really fucked up but there’s something so bizarre and disturbing about Grave Robbing for Morons. Everything about the video is so strange and creepy, regardless that the premise itself is fucked up. There’s something so iconic about it representing the exact type of unmarked video you wouldn’t want to find by accident in the late 80s/early 90s.

— lemonylol Thought Catalog Logo Mark