This Dude Made A FB Post Complaining About ‘Clingy Girls’, But Then The ‘Clingy Girls’ Fired Back

Who's really the clingy one, Ben?


James Sutton
James Sutton

Apparently it is super cool for dudes to act perpetually detached and “chill.” Maybe that’s why Ben thought it would be a good idea to post a Facebook status complaining about all the “clingy girls” in his life.

He definitely wants to give off the vibe that he is super popular, and TONS of girls are just BEGGING to be with him. He’s too cool for commitment, which is why he is complaining about all these damn clingy girls who won’t leave him alone!!!

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via Imgur

He gets some applause from his fellow men. Greg encourages him to stay away from these “weirdo” women that want kids. Ben is living large, with 21 reactions on his ~cool boy~ status.

Except, wait…

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Jessica replies to his post with a screenshot of a Facebook chat log showing Ben saying “hey” to her constantly for over a week with absolutely no response from her.

Hm, he doesn’t seem quite as “chill” as he makes himself out to be.

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Turns out, Jessica isn’t the only one with this experience. Daphne posts some similar — except his persistent “heys” stretched over four months.

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via Imgur

HAHAHAHA, yet another person has had this experience. Ben is attacking “clingy girls” at the same time he messages numerous women over, and over, and over again. Like these girls are obviously not interested in him, but he just can’t give up.

Who’s really the clingy one, Ben? Thought Catalog Logo Mark