The Reason This Manager Gave An 18-Year-Old Girl For Why She Didn’t Get The Job Is Really Fucked Up

How unprofessional can you be?


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Most of us have probably been to countless job interviews, and sometimes after those interviews we don’t get the job.

That’s totally normal, and just the way the world works (unfortunately!)

But what probably isn’t normal, is how Megan Dixon got notified that she wasn’t going to be hired.

Megan was applying to be a waitress at Miller and Carter, which is a steakhouse in Leicester in the United Kingdom. She filled out a written application, and then came into the restaurant for an interview. She nervously waited for the final decision.

Then she got a text from the assistant manager, and uh, WOW:

via Twitter

Like, how unprofessional can you be?

First, who the heck sends the result of a job application via text? Typically someone would expect a phone call, or at the very least, an email.

Also, just sending “it’s a no x.” Um, like what? But that seems 100% normal in comparison to the reason provided when Megan asked why. The assistant manager said she was too basic?


Megan told media that the whole experience was really bad, and that the manager could’ve actually given her some real feedback:

The least she should have given me was some proper feedback. And the laughing face emoji was so unprofessional. It was a really bitchy thing to do.

The company has said that the text messages were intended for the general manager, and not the candidate:

It was never our intention to be disrespectful or upset her in any way. The texts were sent in error and were intended for our manager, not the candidate.

However, we expect our team to act professionally at all times and to give constructive feedback after any interview via email. We are taking this extremely seriously and will be investigating to ensure it never happens again.

I guess a cellular phone isn’t “basic” enough technology for the assistant manager. Thought Catalog Logo Mark