What Will People Remember About You?

 Diana Simumpande
Diana Simumpande

If you were gone tomorrow, what would they remember? Be honest about this. Would it be anything even really worth remembering? Sure, your parents would remember you in the best light possible; a few of your truest friends would too, but in the big scheme of things, is there anything about you that is worth remembering?

If the answer is no, join the club. I think the majority of us feel this way. And that probably makes us sad. To realize that the things you do in life are far more insignificant than you originally wanted to believe can be a really hard thing to digest and process.

We go through life wanting to be great. Anyone who tells you they don’t care about recognition for how awesome and amazing they are is lying to you, and to themselves.

What can we be remembered for though?

What things do you participate and work towards daily to be remembered for?

Are you thinking outside of the box, being innovative and unique; are you concerned with the greater good of mankind and helping propel society into becoming something better?

We all want to be special and capable of influencing others ideals and values. We want to be inspiring yet don’t know how to be, or where to even start.

I think the greatest way to start is to begin analyzing who you are looking up to yourself. Who is the model you currently compare your life to? Who inspires you?

If you are not a Christian, the notion of modeling your life and thoughts after God will seem completely idiotic to you. You probably will laugh at me and think I’m ignorant or uneducated about the way the world works.

I understand where that comes from and I’m ok with it, I respect your hesitation. However, I don’t want you to sit in that state of mind where you refuse to hear anything about how God might lead you to your best life yet.

When looking to become someone worth remembering, you have to have a solid understanding of what is actually worth remembering or being remembered for.

If you look to the world to tell you what counts as worthy, you will get all sorts of different answers. To some, it might be how many followers you had on your social media platforms, how much money you made over the course of your life. Others might measure your worthiness in how good you looked or how many people liked you and wanted to be like you.

God teaches us to live humbly and to base your life around truth and belief in His word and His ways. God isn’t concerned with what society says about you, He wants you to find fulfillment in Him and seek His approval, not that of the world.

“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” – Matthew 23:12

This is how to be great, this is how to be remembered. If you look the Gods word to show you how to live, there are endless verses about doing the right thing, with love and compassion for others who inhabit this world with you. It will tell you how important it is to share the good news you have received with anyone and everyone you encounter along the way.

In order to put that into practice you have to go to the source of where good and righteous things come from. You have to go back to the Bible and meditate on the lessons and the life it offers you. Then, you have to take it one step forward and go. You must get out into the tangible world and share the power of what you have received with others.

If you want to be remembered for something great, you have to DO something great. And there is no greater thing you can do than to choose to die to self everyday in earnest pursuit of God.

With that level of courage and tenacity, you will be able to transform other people’s lives by the good news you can offer them. If you want to be truly inspiring you have to have something to offer that inspires, and there is nothing more inspiring or worthy of producing a following than God Himself. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Casey E Bean

I have big hair and big dreams, a dog named Pickles, and plenty of great advice to give you that I probably won’t take myself.

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