These Two Were Going To Hang Out As Friends, But Then The Dude Admitted What He REALLY Wanted

His excuse at the end is the best part.



Isn’t it frustrating when people are opaque about what they are really looking for? And isn’t it even more frustrating when you seem to have an understanding with someone after a mature conversation, but they cannot manage to hold up their end?

Take reddit user kittycowww. She knew that this guy had the hots for her, but she still wanted to be friends with him. She thought he wanted that too. When they talked about hanging out, they both seemed to be under the same understanding that it would be as friends.

But he was still hoping it would be more.

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See here, she made it SUPER clear what she was looking for and what she wasn’t.

And he seems okay to just hang out as friends. At first.

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But. Here it comes…

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But don’t worry, he has an excuse for his behavior at the end: he’s a sex addict.

He can’t be expected to be a normal friend to people, or just hang out, cuz he just wants his dick sucked, amirite??

Jesus fellow men, we GOTTA do a better job than this. Thought Catalog Logo Mark