If You Love Someone, Have Them Read This

You are living, breathing happiness.


You’re my best buddy and you’re beautiful, an elegantly designed divine partner in crime, my favorite accomplice and accomplishment, the one who makes me most content, and yes, sometimes we fight and it hurts when we want to be better but only get worse, and we cry and we curse until silence feels like escape and our aching spaces make places where we no longer understand if we are lovers holding back or strangers holding hands, but, regardless, through all of this, you’re a limb I don’t want to lose, a smiling soul in wild bloom, my favorite human in any room and the one I want when I’m confused about who I am or what I do, how I act and what comes next.

You are living, breathing happiness.

An alarm clock for optimistic thought, you’re my morning mantra reminder that today is a good day, and when I roll over and I reach over I suppose that I should know just how lucky I am to hold your hand and earn your heart.

Keep love first to make love last and I hope not another day will pass where I miss the chance to look in your eyes and tell you how special you are and how grateful I am, how alive it feels that we are still here and our ‘us’ is still breathing.

After countless back and forth chats with hurt and hope, less and more, making up and making out, our egos and self-doubt taking beating after beating, we awoke today grateful to find our us is still breathing.

After highs, lows, going without, and seeking within, intense chats and a few ‘what ifs’, my heart is still beating, and my eyes are still seeing our us is still breathing.

Each inhale is a reminder that a single exhale is a second chance, and I’m so thankful for that.

What a gift us is. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jeremy Goldberg

Jeremy Goldberg is trying to make kindness cool, and the world better than it was yesterday. Follow him on Instagram for daily inspiration!