If Hillary Clinton Ran For NYC Mayor, This Poll Says She Might Actually Win

This would be the best troll move ever.


Flickr / Tim Pierce
Flickr / Tim Pierce

Hillary Clinton narrowly lost the 2016 Presidential Election to real estate mogul Donald J. Trump. It was her second time seeking the office, and the general consensus seems to be that her career in public life is over.

But is it?

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is seeking re-election with anemic approval numbers. 45% of New Yorkers think he is doing an okay job, while 46% think he isn’t doing so hot. When asked if the Mayor deserves re-election, only 49% of voters thinks he does.

He doesn’t poll poorly enough, however, for any of the other Democratic Party challengers to beat him in a primary (probably). However, there is one Democrat who might be able to.

Yup, Hillary Clinton.

Quinnipiac University polled New Yorkers, and found that if voters were given the choice between Democrat Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton running as an independent, she would most likely win.

Quinnipiac University
Quinnipiac University

In 2008, Hillary Clinton surprised the world by taking a Cabinet position from the man who bested her. In 2016 will she surprise us by leading the hometown of her victorious opponent?

There would be a certain trollworthy-ness to it all. Hillary Clinton supervising the security that guards Trump Tower. Donald Trump coming home to a city managed by Hillary Clinton. It would be the best form of irony, if nothing else.

Clinton has made no signals that she intends to seek the mayorship, and de Blasio has close personal ties to Clinton that make a run unlikely. But it would certainly be something. Thought Catalog Logo Mark