Date A Girl Who Loves The Moon
Date a girl who loves the moon.
Date her because she knows what phases look like, and she knows that phases are necessary.
Date a girl who loves the moon because she knows how to let things go, she knows that in order for it to come back it first must go through its own one of a kind cycle.
Date her because this concept of waiting, this concept of growth and change, make her patient rather than miserable.
Date her because she knows that circumstance is dependent on where you are standing in the world. She knows that perception is merely the way you look at something and that can ALWAYS be changed.
Date her because she will know what it’s like to feel full but also know what it’s like to be a sliver, yet still feels equally beautiful being both.
Date her because she’ll be humble yet know her importance.
Date a girl who loves the moon because she knows that a bigger perception means freedom not suffocation. Date her because the things bigger than her mind can comprehend do not scare her, they excite her.
Date her because she’ll know that the universe is bigger than her, she’ll know that most all problems are in fact bigger than her.
Date a girl who loves the moon because she will know how to love something with her complete self without even being able to touch it. Date a girl who loves the moon because she knows that she can admire something without having any control over it.
Date a girl who loves the moon because she knows pain, she knows love, but in the midst of every inch of empathy she is inevitably bound to feel and throughout all of the chaos that hits her and leaves it’s mark on her, just like the moon, she ultimately knows how to just be.