Here’s How To Make The Most Of What Is Left Of 2016

With the rest of 2016, you can still tell someone you love them. We all have someone we still love and we haven’t told yet. 2016 can be the year that you took the chance to say how you feel.



While everyone is dreaming of a new year, I’ve been thinking recently about how to make the most out of what is left with 2016. I’ve always been slightly annoyed with people who tell me they don’t have enough time in life. There are approximately 744 hours in December, which also equates to 44,640 minutes. That’s a lot of time.

So, I made a list of all of the things you can still accomplish with 44,640 minutes left of 2016.

With the rest of 2016, you can still tell someone you love them. We all have someone we still love and we haven’t told yet. 2016 can be the year that you took the chance to say how you feel.

With the rest of 2016, you can still explore. You don’t have to go far. Take a weekend to travel just a few miles to spend some time along or spend some time with friends. You deserve a break.

With the rest of 2016, you can still change your job. If you’ve been thinking this entire year about how much you hate going to work, then start the search for a new job now. Don’t wait until 2017.

With the rest of 2016, you can still give back. There is still time to offer what you have to others. It doesn’t have to be grand gesture. Maybe it’s anonymously buying the person behind you in line a gift card. Whatever you do, do it in good faith.

With the rest of 2016, you can still make amends. There is still time to let go of grudges and to make peace with those you haven’t this year. A good new year should start fresh, shouldn’t it?

With the rest of 2016, you can still get in shape. You would be surprised what five nights a week in the gym can do in such a short amount of time.

With the rest of 2016, you can still be creative. If you’ve been wanting to publish a book or write a song or paint a canvas, you still have time. Let it be your escape.

With the rest of 2016, you can still take a stand. If you’ve been disturbed by the recent changes in America, then maybe it’s time to have a voice towards change.

With the rest of 2016, you can gain back more time. If you don’t think you had enough time this year, then spend the rest of 2016 learning how to find more time. Maybe it’s as simple as cutting back your time on Netflix.

With the rest of 2016, you can pick up a new skill. Instead of waiting until the holidays are over, why not start learning something now? Why not learn a new language or begin crafting or whatever makes you happy?

With the rest of 2016, you can make new friends. Even if you decide not to make new ones, maybe it’s time to reconnect with old ones. We get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to care for the lives of others we were once close with.

With the rest of 2016, you can still start a business. There is literally no better time to start a business than right now. You don’t even have to have the best idea. Maybe it’s just a hobby you want to make money doing. Whatever it is, you can start it.

With the rest of 2016, you can still move away. If you hate where you live, you still have time before the new year to start looking at other options. You don’t owe anyone anything, but you do owe yourself a happy place to settle, even if it’s for a short amount of time.

With the rest of 2016, you can complimenting someone, everyday. If you haven’t been kind to others, then you can start taking time to be. A simple compliment can go a long way.

With the rest of 2016, you can start anew. If the world has made you sad this year, then you can start planning how to change your life. Changing your life doesn’t mean you have to completely uproot everything, but it can mean taking small steps to become happier.

With the rest of 2016, you can be kind. The world has seen enough hurt and anger this year. Don’t let 2016 end by being angry as well.

However you choose to spend the 44,640 minutes of December, spend it with care, compassion, and inspiration because the world needs more people who want to end their year projecting happiness instead of hatred. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Liz Rae

Entrepreneur traveling the world and writing about her escapades.