Texas Father Tries To Pressure 6-Year-Old Into Filming Porn, And Police Say It Got Worse From There

Mugshots / Reddit

Trigger Warning: Sexual assault on a minor.

New details are emerging in the case of Jeramy and Ruth Sanchez, who were both arrested last April on a litany of horrific charges related to their 6-year-old daughter. The arrests were made after school authorities began noticing their daughter acting strange in class and investigated.

According to reports, the Sanchez’s unnamed daughter began asking random students if they “wanted to have sex like girlfriends and boyfriends.” Students reported this behavior, and that’s when the teacher pulled aside the girl for a conversation.

That’s when the little girl told the teacher her story. The teacher later had her repeat it to The Child Advocacy Center:

According to the girl, her father Jeramy Sanchez showed her some pornography from the internet. He then informed her that what she saw in the pornography was what “boyfriends and girlfriends do.” Sanchez then asked his daughter if she wanted to “make her own movie” — asking her to be a pornographic film with him. She said no.

According to a court affidavit, the father responded by sexually assaulting her. And apparently, the sexual assaults did not stop after that one night.

Police documents indicate that the brother heard his father assaulting his sister over the course of multiple days and told his mother Ruth Sanchez about it. The mother says she confronted Jeramy Sanchez about it, and he promised to not assault her again. She failed to take any further action, and the assaults seem to have continued.

When this story was posted to Reddit, a random user revealed that he actually knew Jeramy Sanchez, the abusive father, in real life and gave some context to the crime.

Sadly I know this vile disgusting ass creature. His mom and my mom grew up together. He was basically a “cousin”. We even had birthdays together because we are born 5 days apart. Our family’s stopped talking when we were like 9. He would still come to all our family events which was normal.

The last time I saw him was Christmas, 4 months before he was arrested and I remember thinking he was a shitty father. He was yelling at his oldest, the oldest isn’t biologically his, and being really nice to the 2 youngest. I remember the little girl sitting on his lap and at the time it wasn’t a red flag but now I kick myself in the ass because I wish I could’ve grabbed her and ran far far away. He’s called all of us asking to bail him out. I hope he stays there and they find out what he did. (Source)

Jeramy and Ruth Sanchez have both been brought into custody and been held since arrest. Jeramy Sanchez faces charges of aggravated sexual assault upon a child. Ruth Sanchez faces charges of endangering a child. The children are said to currently be in safe temporary homes. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Clint Conway

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