This Suspicious Boyfriend FINALLY Caught His Girlfriend Cheating When She Sent Him This Sext

She did a great job of hiding her cheating, until she sent these sexts...


Jenny Woods
Jenny Woods
Jenny Woods

Have you ever had a relationship where you just felt that something was off? You didn’t necessarily have any proof, but in your gut, you were pretty sure your partner wasn’t being loyal.

Well, that was definitely this boyfriend. And his suspicions became heightened when his girlfriend inadvertently revealed something in a sext that she sent him. But I’m getting ahead of myself, here’s how it all started:

iPhone Convo
iPhone Convo

It all starts pretty innocently enough. Jackie, the girlfriend, tells her boyfriend that her flight was running late (pretty normal) and that she’s about to take a shower.

That’s when the sexy times begin. She posts a close-up photo of herself before the shower, and the boyfriend encourages her to “go on,” still not especially suspicious of her behavior.

iPhone Convo
iPhone Convo

But this is where she fucked up. Jackie — the cheating fool she is — snapped a sext that included a piece of luggage that she didn’t own (bottom left corner), and her boyfriend noticed.

He immediately calls her out:

iPhone Convo
iPhone Convo

She tries to distract him with a more X-rated sext, but it isn’t working. The boyfriend immediately asks for her hotel room number.

iPhone Convo
iPhone Convo

Jackie comes back with the, “Oh I can’t believe you don’t trust me!!!” plea.

But then it all unravels.

Her boyfriend calls the hotel and they say there isn’t a Jackie [last name] checked in anywhere there. But in room 1422 — the room Jackie claimed to be in — there was someone with her bosses’ name.

iPhone Convo
iPhone Convo

Jackie doesn’t bother to respond again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark