Girl Gives This Rando Guy’s Number Out When Sleazy Dudes Ask For Her’s And He Has TONS Of Fun With It

This guy just wanted a date with this girl, instead she gave *his* number to EVERYONE she didn't want to talk to.



Sometimes dating and talking to people can really suck. Like, maybe you’re just trying to talk to a cute girl after some party, and you give her your number. And like, not only does she NOT text you, she also decides to use your number as a throwaway to give to guys who ask for her’s.

Poor Joey Royle tells the tragic story of how a girl from Melbourne named Elsie is giving away his number to TONS of guys she has no interest in talking to, and he gets literally all their messages.

Maybe you take the high road and just ignore them, or maybe, you have a little fun with it.

Here’s how one of the lulzy conversations played out:

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Joey openly admits on social media that he actually seems to be a better date as Elise than as Joey.

Elise, this is all your fault. Thought Catalog Logo Mark